
Covid-19 is a pandemic:

A pandemic disease outbreaks in December 2019, later this is named as Covid-19 or Corona virus. It was declared as pandemic by WHO.

What is a pendemic disease?

A pandemic disease is an outbreak of an infectious disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Pandemic diseases are often caused by novel or mutated pathogens that spread easily from person to person, and they can result in widespread illness, death, and significant social and economic disruptions. Examples of pandemic diseases include the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the influenza pandemics such as the H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009, and historical pandemics such as the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Pandemic diseases can pose significant challenges to public health systems, healthcare infrastructure, and society at large, requiring coordinated efforts to mitigate their impact and prevent further spread.

Corona is a pendemic disease declared by WHO:

 Corona Virus, a pendemic disease
Pic: Corona Virus, a pendemic disease, Photo Credic:freepik.

Millions of people have infected and many have already died by this pandemic disease. There is a wave of this virus also observed in Bangladesh. Some of the symptoms of this disease are included fever, cough, muscle aches, fatigue and breathing difficulties. The easiest routes of corona virus are the eyes, mouth and nose. This virus is spread when a person come contact with an infected person’s sneezes or coughs.For above mentioned characteristics, it was declared as pandemic by WHO.

Preventive measure

  • Prevention is the best way for this case. If a person is infected by Corona Virus, he must be maintained social distance from other. Infected person should be separated from healthy one. We need to provide all kinds of medications and mental supports to him/her. He/she should intake balanced diet regularly.
  • If we intend to keep ourselves safe from this pandemic disease, we should strictly maintain personal hygiene and social distance. We have to wash our hands frequently with soap or hand sanitizer (Sanitizer should be contained enough percentage of alcohol, e.g., more than 60%).
  • If we visit any crowded place for any reason, we have to wear a face mask. We should maintain a safe distance with other individuals. Some also recommend for staying in sun light for some time to activate our T cells along with production of vitamin D.
  • We must ensure the above discuss preventive measures, so that we will be able to keep ourselves uninfected from this dreadful virus.

Measure taken By Government

The government has already rolled out vaccination against this terrible disease. Effective vaccines, for instance oxford, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, The Sputnik V vaccine are widely administered.

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