
Showing posts with the label Fashion

"Achieving Radiant Skin: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Face Wash"

General discursion about Face Wash In the pursuit of glowing, healthy skin, selecting the right face wash is crucial. With an overwhelming array of products on the market, it's important to make an informed decision. Table of Contents Why Understand Your Skin Type is essential? Ingredients Matter Consider Your Skin Concerns Trial and Error Seek Professional Advice Conclusion Why Understand Your Skin Type is essential? Before you dive into the world of face wash products, it's vital to understand your skin type. Different skin types, such as oily, dry, combination, or sensitive, require tailored care. Identifying your skin type will enable you to select a face wash that suits your specific needs, ensuring that your skin remains radiant and healthy. Ingredients Matter Take a closer look at the ingredient list on the face wash products you conside

Six exciting alternative income that can you try in 2023

Exciting alternative income that may grab your attention : There are a number of alternative income sources that we could consider in 2023, depending on our skills, interests, and resources. Pic:Income register book Six main ideas to get we started: Freelancing. Online tutoring. Investing. Renting out your property. Starting a side hustle. Participating in the gig economy. Conclusion Freelancing. Freelancing has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it offers a great way to earn money from our skills and expertise. We could offer our services as a writer, graphic designer, web developer, social media manager, or consultant, among others. Online tutoring. With the rise of remote learning, online tutoring has become a lucrative option for those with teaching experience. We could offer our services as an English or math tutor, o


What is Freelance? Freelance refers to a type of work arrangement where individuals, often referred to as freelancers or independent contractors, offer their services to clients or companies on a project basis or for a specific period of time, without being permanently employed by them. Freelancers typically work for multiple clients and have the freedom to choose their projects, set their own schedules, and determine their own rates. Pic:A Freelancer work attentively, photo Credit: freepik. Table of Content What is Freelancing How to become we get success in freelance job market? Advantage of freelance job Challenges in freelance job market In conclusion What is Freelancing? Freelancing has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it offers a great way to earn money from our skills and expertise. We could offer our services as a writer, graphic designer, web develop

বাহার উদ্দিনের বাহারী কার্যকলাপ

বাহারউদ্দিনের জীবন ভাবনা ঢাকা শহরে চাকরি করেন বাহারউদ্দিন।পেশায় খাদ্য প্রকৌশলি।মোটামুটি বছর দশক ধরে ঢাকায় আছেন। গ্রামের বাড়ি নায়ায়নগন্ঞ্জে।বাবা মায়ের সাথেই ঢাকায় থাকে। লম্বাটে তামাটে বর্ণের চেহারা। বাহারউদ্দিনের রাগটা বরাবরই একটু বেশি । কোনটা হাসি তামাসা আবার কোনটা জরুরি কথা এর মাঝেও ব্যবধান ও মাঝে মাঝে বুঝতে পারেনা। দাঁড়ি গোফ বেষ্টিত চেহারা । একটা সেকশনের দায়িত্ব সে যথাযথভাবে পালন করতে চেষ্টা করে । দৃঢ়তার সাথে বিতর্কিত বিষয়াদি মোকাবিলা করার যথেষ্ট সাহস তার মাঝে বিশেষভাবে লক্ষ্যণীয়, তবে কোন বিষয়কে যথেষ্ট যুক্তি দিয়ে উপস্থাপন করার গুন তার মধ্যে লক্ষ্যণীয় নয়। কলেজ জীবনেও তেমন কোন মেয়ের সাথে সম্পর্ক করতেও দেখা যায়নি। বিভিন্ন ধরনের শাক সব্জি তার প্রিয় খাবারের তালিকার মধ্যে থাকে । জীবনে চলার পথের চড়াই উতরাই সম্পর্কে এখন তার তেমন কোন ধারনা নেই ।তার বাবা এখনো একজন সরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠানের উপার্জনক্ষম ব্যাক্তি। বাহারউদ্দিনের বয়স এখন আটত্রিশ চলছে। লোকেরা তার বিবাহ নিয়ে অনেক রঙ্গ কৌতুক করে থাকলেও এগুলো সে গায়ে মাখেনা।

Transportation Changing Trends

Transportation changing trend In our country mode of transportation is changing day by day.People used to translocate one place to another by cart in past.Tody they use different types of cars. I was born in a rural area and also raised there. My grand father was a renowned business man in his area. He has spead his business in a number of area like selling a variety of grocery items alongwith home construction materials. In his time van was not available, because of lack of the invention of steel and rubber made tyre tube. That time people used wooden wheel in their cart.Cart's were drawn by horses or cow's. However, my grand father used to use horse-drawn carriages to transport goods from one place to another. He has some healthy horses of his own for this purpose.Food had to be procured to feed the horses. Sometimes, it was a lot of troubles. But over time, invention of tyre and tube can

Life style

Lifestyle trends of youngsters: At present, life style of young people is changing. It is seen that youngsters from different countries start living independently after completing their graduation from school. They are often living alone or with share apartment with friends. It has both positive and negative aspects. Pic:Life style of young people ,freepik There are a number of benefits for both youngsters and their parents when they start living separately. When someone lives alone, he has to take care of himself and consider things like how to behave with other during communication. In this way they are having experienced with new unrevealed task. Their experiences are expanding by interacting with new situations. They start earning their own living. They no longer waste their precious time behaving childishly. They are focused on improving their quality. They adapt themselves with new life style where they are o