Tamarind Reduces Hypertension

Tamarind in controlling high blood pressure:

Tamarind is a spring seasonal sour fruit our country but is available throughout the year. Many people believe that eating tamarind is bad for health and causes bleeding. This idea is completely wrong. Tamarind has a lot of nutritional and herbal properties. Tamarind controls high blood pressure in the body and is very beneficial for heart patients.

Kabiraji, Unani, Homeo and Allopathic medicines are prepared from tamarind. Tamarind is known as heart tonic. It belongs to Leguminaceae family. Tamarind fruit has acidic pulp. It can be eaten raw and can also be used to make jams, jellies, pickles, syrups and drinks.

Tamarind contains sufficient amount of vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium and other essential elements. Tamarind is useful in the diseases like scurvy, indigestion, and inflammation of the body. Tamarind reduces blood cholesterol. It also reduces body fat. Consuming tamarind syrup is good for gastric problem. There is no harm in eating tamarind.

But eating more can lowering blood pressure. However, if you eat at least 25 grams of tamarind with fiber without seeds every day without salt and sugar, blood pressure and diabetes are under control. Many people have a misconception that eating tamarind reduces sex, but regular consumption of tamarind removes extra fat from the body and increases sex. Ripe tamarind is expectorant and carminative, increases appetite and warms semen. If you have loose stools after eating tamarind, it means that tamarind is working well in the body.

Following are some of the main benefits of consuming tamarind regularly daily:

  1. Tamarind keeps the heart healthy.
  2. Tamarind reduces diabetes.
  3. Tamarind reduces cholesterol and fat in the body.
  4. Tamarind regulates body skin temperature and keeps skin healthy.
  5. Tamarind is a good source of antioxidants that prevent cancer.
  6. Tamarind reduces temperature and cures fever.
  7. Tamarind is useful in colds.
  8. Tamarind keeps the body's digestive system active.
  9. Tamarind increases appetite.
  10. Tamarind relieves constipation.
  11. Tamarind removes toxins from the body.
  12. Tamarind is useful in jaundice.
  13. Also, the bark, flowers, leaves, seeds and fruits of the tamarind tree are all used as medicine. Tamarind seed pods are beneficial in chronic stomach ailments. Tamarind leaf juice is anthelmintic and cures eye inflammation. In case of sores or wounds in the mouth, gargle the leaves with tamarind water.


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