Bacteria in a brief
Bacteria are a group of microscopic single cell organisms with primitive nucleus. The word Bacteria is the plural of Bacterium in the New Latin language. It is the Latin form of Greek Bacterium. Bacterium means stick, rod or cane.
Pic: photo image of BacteriaThe reason for such naming of bacteria was that the first discovered bacteria were rod-shaped. However, they are spherical, cylindrical or spiral and other various shapes.
In 1675, the Dutch scientist Anthony Von Leuven-Hook first observed bacteria under a simple microscope, which was made by him. Its was named small animal by him. For this basis, he was called the father of bacteriology. In 1829, German Scientists Ehrenberg named the bacteria. Bacteria are very small organism. It generally ranges from 0.2 to 5 micrometers.
Characteristic of bacteria:
Their cells do not have any membrane-like organelles, such as nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, lysosomes; Only ribosomes are present. The cell contains a bipolar integral, virtually circular DNA molecule, known as a chromosome.
They are found in everywhere in environment like Soil, water, acidic warm springs, warm blooded animal gut and deep biospheres. It also habitat in plant and animal in symbiotic and parasitic connection. The number of reported species of bacteria is approximately 15,000. Among them only 5 percent of bacterial species are pathogens.
Bacterial diseases:
Serious human diseases like plague, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, pneumonia etc. are caused by bacteria. Bacteria have also some beneficial applications. Bacterium is crucial in maintaining living organism. Bacteria are also used in antibiotic isolation and purification in biopharmaceutical industry. Yeast, a bacterium which is needed in production of fermented food.Source: Text book and hand notes of N0bleman